Semences Buissonnières from Olga Widmer on Vimeo.
European Seed Saving Organization Longo Maï and the European Civic Forum, together with people from Kokopelli and probably other organizations, are making a high definition seed saving film. This is a first! As far as I’m aware there is no existing seed saving film that’s as comprehensive and professionally made. I think the Longo Maï cooperatives and partners are one of the few organizations able to complete a project like this on such a large scale. To allow for biennials, this is a minimum two year project.
In the spirit of sharing, when completed, the full film will be freely available for download from the Internet, together with subtitles in all available languages. It won’t be a language specific film, in that there will only be subtitles, no voices. It will be a fantastic educational tool for the whole planet.
Your support is needed to make it a success. Please consider buying an advance copy of the DVD via a subscription, or simply making a generous donation.
More information can be found here, and a subscription form to use for purchasing an advance copy of the DVD can be found here.
If you’re interested in translating subtitles into your local language, I think they would like to hear from you too.