13 Replies to “Voices of the American Left and Right”

  1. Very entertaining!
    I have not watched propaganda media shows for a long while. I do remember the shows are full of speculation and jabs at one “party” or the other “party”. Looks like things haven’t changed much. Just using the revolt in Egypt as a spring board to gain more viewer ratings.

    What happened in Egypt is the outcome of people tired of being poor and their rights violated by a dictator set in to place by the U.S. foreign policy/CIA. A foreign policy that never changes from one administration from the next.

    It has nothing to do with the left thought process or the right thought process or their ideologies.

    I have a headache now!

  2. I’ve been picking up this Fox News nonsense as well; I suspected that was the source. They’ve no idea of the strength of the submerged democratic undercurrents in the Middle East. The British suppressed Egyptian democracy after the elections of 1924; the US have kept it down more recently by subsidising the military dictatorship with astronomical sums, but it’s never gone away. If the Egyptian people succeed this time, then who knows, they may well show these people up for the ignorant bigots they truly are.

  3. Robert,
    The Egyptians are “not out of the woods yet”. Recent “news” spelled out the military is in control dishing out martial law,suspension of their constitution and dissolving of parliament.

    Bad enough the vice president told those people to “go home” after Mubarak appointed him to take over. I don’t really believe the people of Egypt went all that way to be told to “go home” from another “Authoritarian in the making” or to be put under martial law by their own military.

    I’m in contact with a friend who is in Egypt, from his own words there were more protesters killed from the Pro-Mubarak factions than any media “left” or “right” had told us from the get go here in the States. He also states the possibility of the “Muslim Brother” taking over or a religious cleric to take over is really unlikely. I trust his word over any media as to what is going on in Egypt, he does live there and is born there.

  4. “Government that is transparent and doesn’t steal from the people.” Did president Obama really say that all people have the right to this?!! Yippee, it’s about time things changed here in the US!
    Democracy seems to equal capitalism equals consumerism & of course big business….thanks for your part Patrick in working toward a better world that isn’t just about that.
    Good luck to the Egyptian people & people everywhere including us here in the USA in finding a healthy, safe, prosperous & happy balance & keeping it if you have it.

  5. I agree with Todd that there are certainly some things to be concerned about. Especially as I look at current events in Iran, I have to wonder if the people there will try the same thing only to be brutally massacred by their government. It’s hard not to be concerned in the same way about Yemen.

    And yes, we live in a world where human life is considered disposable, and no one cares about the true death tolls. This is really sad.

    Like Robert, I’m a pretty optimistic person, and I think the Egyptians will find a way to make the current situation work mostly to their advantage. I certainly wish them all the best.

    On the other hand, the way it was all being laid out by the right wing politicians in this video is despicable! Like the commentator said, it’s laying anxiety on top of anxiety on top of looney toons. The situation doesn’t have anything to do with how they’re presenting it, and they’re only building on people’s fears to get votes the next election.

    Can you believe that Cynthia? Obama actually said that! I think he’s going to regret that someday…

  6. Everything is so big, interconnected globally..it’s so overwhelming! Getting stronger locally- there’s a lot of that going on here in the US and it sure feels good!

  7. I like gardening. I’m thankful I can do it today, and and I pray, and I believe I’ll be able to do it tomorrow. I like it when you talk about gardening. Thanks.

  8. Hi Jody,

    Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, and for reading my blog. It is February and not much is growing now. There are lots of other important things going on in the world now too.

    I’ll try to spend more time on gardening…

  9. What is happening in our world and gardening are not separate issues..especially for those prevented from doing so…the Iraqi people forced to grow Monsanto seed, persons displaced, corporations depleting water supplies, people eating food not compatible with health..any number of things… this affects us all even when we have not realized it yet. SO a BIG thanks for what you write about Patrick!!

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