Pedalling Permaculture
Filmmaker Tim Hall visited me in Amsterdam on a day I was talking to a group of community gardeners. You can find part of this talk in episode 3.
Tim travelled around Belgium and the Netherlands, visiting alternative organic farms, food forests and other permaculture related projects on his bicycle.
The talk was hosted by Cityplot of Amsterdam, who run the community garden plot. Also mentioned in episode 3 was River of Herbs.
Vienna Declaration 2013
For an updated signature list, please see the declaration home page.
Read the Vienna Declaration, currently signed by the following organizations, with more signatures expected to come:
AGROLINK Association (BUL)
Arche Noah Verein (A)
Bese Természetvédelmi Egyesület | Bese Nature Conservation Society (HU)
Bifurcated Carrots (NL)
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty (INT) | Kampagne für Saatgut-Souveränität
Dachverband Kulturpflanzen- und Nutztiervielfalt e.V. (INT)
Le Début des Haricots (B)
Eco Ruralis – in support of traditional and organic farming (RO)
Environmental Social Science Research Group (HU)
Fundacja Rolniczej Różnorodności Biologicznej AgriNatura (PL)
Föreningen Sesam (SV)
GAIA – Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental (PT)
Garden Organic (GB)
GLOBAL 2000 – Friends of the Earth Austria
InfOMG – GMO information centre in Romania (RO)
Longo mai (INT)
Maatiainen ry (SF)
Navdanya International (I)
Peliti (GR)
Plataforma Transgénicos Fora (Stop GMO Platform, PT)
Praktisk Økologi (DK)
Red Andaluza de Semillas „Cultivando Biodiversidad“ (E)
Red de Semillas „Resembrando e Intercambiando“ (E)
Rete Semi Rurali (I)
Réseau Semences Paysannes (F)
Seed Freedom Campaign (IND)
Slovensko bez GMO (SK)
Społeczny Instytut Ekologiczny (PL)
Stowarzyszenie dla dawnych odmian i ras (PL)
Utopia (SK)
Varuhi semen (SL)
Verein zur Erhaltung der Nutzpflanzenvielfalt e.V. (D)
ZMAG – Zelena mreza aktivistickih grupa (HR) | GNAG – Green network of activist groups
True Garlic Seeds
Dr. Ivan Buddenhagen just sent me the 4 bulbs of garlic and the 121 seeds you see in the picture above. I’m really excited about this. He’s been working for years developing garlic varieties that produce real seed — without human intervention!
Collecting real seeds from garlic plants has always been theoretically possible, but a lot of work. It’s always been a lot more practical to just grow garlic from cloves, with the resulting plant being a genetic clone of it’s parent. In fact, this is how we’ve been growing garlic for centuries, meaning the plants have more or less ‘forgotten’, through evolution, how to produce seeds. Dr. Buddenhagen has succeeded in bringing back this trait, meaning it’s now possible and practical to breed new garlic varieties. In the picture above, you see 4 of his new varieties.
In my case, here in western Europe, garlic rust is a serious problem. Together with others, I’ve been looking for years for a resistant variety. This sheds a whole new light on this search effort. Now, hopefully, I can work with a population of garlic plants exchanging DNA and reproducing sexually. I understand these plants need a long season to develop seeds, and of course the rust may still kill my plants before I have a chance to gather seed, but now there’s hope…
Act 2013 Athens
On the Peliti website you can find information you need in order to register.