One of the fantastic things about getting a group of people like this together, was all the great food!
The evening before, when most people coming from out of town were arriving, they held a potluck dinner. Can you imagine, seed savers coming from all over Europe, bringing with them things from their own gardens or local markets? Since people were arriving over the course of the evening, dishes kept getting added to the buffet, so it was possible to go back every hour or so for more… Many people brought local breads and cheeses. A number of farmers were present, and some meats were on offer that looked very home made.
The day of the seed swap vegetarian meals were provided by „popular kitchen” of the „collectif du 123”. It was really nice!
When the seed swap and workshops were over, day turned to evening and the music started. The organic drinks came out, and the celebration began. This band played salsa and world music:
On the day of the demonstration itself, great sandwiches were served for lunch and during the march we had a little impromptu music…