How to Avoid Growing GM Plants in your Garden

In my recent post about GM foods, I talked about how to avoid eating them, but what about growing them?

You would be surprised how alarmed many people get when I tell them I get many of my garden seeds from the US. They ask me if I am afraid of importing GM seeds into Europe. Of course this is a concern all of us should have, but understanding the problem can also help put it into perspective.

First the problem of GM contamination is worldwide, it’s not just the US. Secondly, there are a limited number of crops that have commercially grown GM varieties, and if you don’t grow one of these crops in your garden you are very unlikely to encounter GM contamination issues. Thirdly, of those crops that do have GM varieties, not all of them are out-breeding (plants whose pollen is spread from plant to plant by insects or wind), meaning the contamination would be unlikely to spread beyond my garden even if it did occur. Perhaps most importantly, I grow heirloom plants, not GM varieties and there are usually distinct differences between the varieties and I would almost certainly notice if cross pollinating were occuring. If any unintentional cross pollination occurred in my plants I would normally discard the affected seeds.

I also get my seeds from people I trust, and who themselves care deeply about the problem. With the exception of corn (which I will discuss more in a minute), I would be unlikely to receive GM seeds from someone unless it was a deliberate act, and I have to trust the people who send me seeds not to do that.

The problem of contamination is much greater in processed foods, and centralized distribution and processing, as I described in my earlier post.

From my earlier post, lets consider the crops where there is a commercial GM variety:

  • potatoes
  • tomatoes
  • soy
  • long grain rice
  • corn (maize)
  • rape (called canola in the US)
  • Quest tobacco (sold in the US)
  • cotton (used for cotton seed oil used in cooking)
  • Hawaiian papaya
  • a few zucchini and yellow squashes (courgettes).

Of these, the potatoes and tomatoes have been withdrawn from the market, and in any case are not out-breeding plants.

Rice, tobacco, cotton and papaya won’t grow in my climate, so for me at least these are not an issue.

I do grow soy. Soy is not out-breading, and in any case the varieties I grow are distinct enough that I think I would notice if any cross pollinating did occur.

I don’t have any plans to grow rape.

I do grow squashes, and I suppose this is a risk. The production level of GM varieties of these plants is very low, and like I said I do trust my seed sources. These type of plant is insect pollinated, so the contamination can only travel as far as an insect can fly. If it seems like the risk of growing this plant increases, I will reconsider having it in my garden.

Corn is really the biggest problem. The pollen from corn spreads very long distances in the wind, and probably there are very few places in the world where there is not at least a little contamination. On one hand growing corn can introduce GM contamination into my garden, and on the other hand not growing heirloom varieties will decrease the availability of these seeds to other gardeners. In my case not very much corn is grown in the area around my garden, so there are not likely to be a lot of cross pollination issues.

If you use common sense, nothing should keep you from growing the plants you want in your own garden. Use seed sources you trust. Think about what you are doing when growing out-breeding varieties of plants where GM varieties are commercially grown.

How to Avoid Eating GM Foods and Other Products

Recent polls in the US have suggested more than 80% (some polls suggest more than 90%) of all people think GM food should be labelled as such, and more than half of these people say the reason they support such labelling is because they would like to avoid eating it. It turns out many people don’t understand that even in the absence of such labelling it is possible to reduce or eliminate your consumption of genetically engineered products. In this post I am going to explain how to do this.

Even though Europe has some laws protecting the food supply from GM organisms, there are many loopholes and weaknesses in these laws. There are many steps Europeans can take to avoid these genetically engineered products as well. In fact these steps can be taken by anyone regardless of where they live.

Why avoid consuming genetically engineered products?

For many people this isn’t an important issue, and this post probably isn’t for them. In fact this post is not intended to offer dietary advice to anyone. However, if you are someone who prefers not to consume genetically engineered products, here are some ideas on how to go about doing that. For an excellent in-depth analysis on reasons for being concerned about eating genetically engineered products, I would refer you to the excellent website, books and videos published by Jeffrey M. Smith.

For those of us who prefer not to eat genetically engineered products, it’s important to understand these products are not created for our benefit. They are not created because they are a solution to world hunger, in a world that already produces too much food. They are not created to benefit farmers who are already suffering from the food gluts on world markets and costs associated from growing patented seeds. They are not grown for the benefit of food processors or distributors. They are grown solely for the benefit of a few politicians and corporations who want to control the world food supplies, through patents, laws, treaties and other means.

When we show a preference by not buying and eating these products, there is a backwards ripple effect. When we demand from our local food outlets GM free foods, they demand the same from their suppliers, who in turn demand the same from farmers. It is not necessary for many people to make these demands to be heard, and a GM food consumption drop of 5-10% will make a very big difference and be noticed very quickly. Reducing our consumption of GM foods is the most effective way we as individuals have of showing the way they are being forced on us is simply unacceptable.

GM crops

There are commercial varieties of genetically engineered potatoes, tomatoes, soy, long grain rice, corn (maize), rape (called canola in the US), Quest tobacco (sold in the US), cotton (used for cotton seed oil used in cooking), Hawaiian papaya and a few zucchini and yellow squashes (courgettes). Of these, the tomatoes and potatoes are not currently on the market and rape and cotton seed oils are more common in North America that other places. Soy, corn and long grain rice are the most important for people wishing to avoid eating GM foods.

Apart from traditional crops, some products are made using genetically engineered bacteria. The most widespread of these products is the rbGH a growth hormone used to increase milk production in cows, aspartame (NutraSweet) and rennet (often labelled as vegetarian) used for making hard cheese. In addition many enzymes, flavorings, processing agents, food supplements and pharmaceuticals are made from genetically engineered bacteria.

GM grains like corn and soy are frequently used as animal feed. This is true even in Europe, where the ban on GM food products does not cover animal feed. Honey can have GM material when the bees can collect pollen from GM plants.

Even in Europe where many GM foods are prohibited, many other GM foods are on the market. As mentioned before, animal feed is allowed to contain GM material, meaning almost all animal products will contain GM material. The ban on GM foods does not include products previously approved, which among other things means hard cheese can be made with GM rennet. In addition 0.9% GM contamination is allowed, even where GM products are otherwise not allowed. Labelling GM foods is required, but only where the percentage of GM material exceeds 0.9%. There is also no routine testing of foods for GM contamination, so if GM contamination exceeds permitted levels, probably no one would know.

Centralized distribution and processing

In centralized distribution products from all farmers are mixed, processed and then distributed. Doing this insures if there is any contamination of any kind, it will be spread throughout the entire process.

The days are mostly gone where we buy food directly from the farmer. Some of us may live near farmers that sell their own food, or we may buy some of our food from farmers at a market, but for many of us this is not an option. Most of us buy at least some of our food from supermarkets, restaurants and fast food outlets, who in turn buy the food for us. Nearly all farmers sell their products directly to food processing and distribution companies.

Many people don’t realize how few of these companies there are. For example, in the US, nearly all meat goes through one of just a handful of meatpacking companies. Recently there was an outbreak of E Coli in the US due to contaminated spinach, and this outbreak was nationwide because it turned out nearly all spinach in the US was processed by a single company. This concentration of food processing and associated contaminations turns out to be one of the biggest challenges when it comes to avoiding genetically engineered foods.

There is a great deal of financial pressure in this centralized distribution model. Farmers are often expected to produce crops for less than their own costs. Fortunes can be made or lost when prices vary by just a few cents, and the temptation to substitute a cheaper (possibly illegal) GM crop while claiming it to be GM free can be very tempting. There is usually no way to tell the difference between a GM and non-GM crop by just looking at it, so this kind of dishonesty is very hard to detect.

An important aspect of food processing are the additives used, nearly all of which are derived from soy or corn, and so can contain GM material. A partial list of corn products is: vegetable oil, high fructose corn syrup, citric and lactic acid, glucose, fructose, maltodextrin, ethanol, sorbitol, mannitol, xanthan gum, modified and unmodified starches, dextrins, cyclodextrins and MSG. The most common soy products are soy lecithin and cooking oil. These are just partial lists, and there are many more products. Most processed foods contain at least one of these additives.

Certified Organic (Biological) Foods

Recent changes in both Europe and the US require food certified as organic to also be GM free. At the moment there is a transitional period where for some components of processed foods, GM free certification can be made on the sole basis of written statements by suppliers. Eventually all components of certified organic foods will have to be certified GM free.

What does this all mean?

It all comes down to this. If you want to eat GM free food, almost anywhere in the world, you have to avoid the following: meat or other animal products that are not from completely grass fed animals, honey, products made from soy, corn or rice (which includes almost all processed foods), Quest tobacco, Hawaiian papaya, cotton seed or canola (rape) seed oils, products containing aspartame sweetener, all hard cheeses and many drugs and food supplements (check with your doctor or pharmacist). Exceptions for all of these are for certified organic products.

Is there anything I’ve missed? Please let me know.

Beyond GM Technology

There is an interesting article I came across here by Jeremy Rifkin in the Washington Post.

In recent years a lot of attention has been paid to GM technologies. At the same time GM crops are becoming less popular, in part because of public opposition and in part because the insects and weeds that GM crops are intended to compete with have been developing natural resistance to these technologies. There is also an increasing body of scientific evidence suggesting health, environmental and safety problems with GM technologies.

So what comes next? What do we do when it’s time to move beyond GM technology?

One likely contender is called Marker Assisted Selection (MAS). You know all of these genome projects we have been hearing about, the mouse, the human, insects, even H5N1 bird flu? So far it hasn’t had much meaning to us, because there haven’t been any real world applications. It turns out this technology has been developing slowly, and scientists are starting to be able to identify marker genes that are connected to specific traits.

If I am looking for the perfect tomato, and it doesn’t exist yet, I need to select two different tomatoes to cross pollinate and hope I get something closer to what I want. If however, I have a catalog of gene maps of different varieties of tomatoes and I can use this information to better select candidates for cross pollination, the process can go much faster. Indeed if it’s possible to do computer simulations and modelling, I may be able to predict in advance exactly what will happen if any given two tomatoes are crossed. This is like doing what people have been doing for centuries with their own plants, and what occurs in nature anyway, but using a computer to help it go faster. This sort of information will be easier to share via computer networks, and stores of ‘open source’ genetic information can be made available to everyone.

It turns out one of the greatest risks to being able to use this technology is GM technology as it is used now. It may prove very difficult to remove GM contamination from crops, and this contamination may make MAS much less effective.  What is also critical for this kind of technology is biodiversity, something current seed laws and farming policies are putting under pressure.