Back After a Pause and Updates

I haven’t been writing much lately, and I have lots of things to catch up on.  In the coming days and weeks I’ll start working on my backlog.

I’m sorry there have been some availability issues over the last few days.  I’ve switched to a service called Cloud Flare, and a configuration error meant the blog was unreachable for 48 hours or so.  One of the consequences of this change is the URL now has www in front.  Not my preference really, but a requirement of the current setup.  They say they are working on a technical solution so the www isn’t necessary, and when this happens, I will probably remove it again.

This change to an address with www caused the RSS feed to reset, so most of you probably got an announcement for new posts, even though they were just the old ones.

The reason for Cloud Flare is twofold.  First, now the blog is ‘in the cloud’, and is faster.  Not really exciting actually, but faster is better than slower!  The second reason are some security enhancements.  I’ve written before about hacking on this blog, and it’s really a serious problem.  Twice the blog has effectively be infected with malware, and went down for a period of time.  The source of this hacking is no secret.  Cloud Flare provided this nice graphic that illustrates the point well, for a representative 24 hours on my blog:

Screenshot from 2014-06-23 14:33:19

In case you thought all hacking on the Internet originated in Mongolia, there you go!  It’s really the US.

In this case, I’m pretty sure you can think Edward Snowden and NSA.

This hacking comes together with spam, either written in American English, from 10 years ago — mostly about tired things like Viagra, or it’s written in other languages and if you put them through Google translate, they translate like they were written in American English.  The spam follows all of the US rules for decency; like no 4-letter words but otherwise explicit language.  There’s absolutely no sensitivity to foreign cultures incorporated into the spam, and likewise no racial slurs or attacks on the cultures of others.  It’s incredibly obvious it all comes from the same source.

This also seems to go along with accusations that the US government forces software developers to put back doors into their products.  WordPress as well as PHP and Apache all seem to have a lot of obvious back doors that are not difficult to exploit.

For those of you aware of Internet issues, it’s also related to the US refusing to give up control of IANA, the authority that issues Internet address, which means the US has access to enough IP addresses in obscure places and embedded into the address space of others, that using filters to control the hacking is all but impossible.

Some of you may encounter problems leaving a comment or reaching the blog, because I do some IP filtering.  If Cloud Flare reduces the problem enough, I will take off my own filters and hopefully make the blog more accessible to more people.  In any case, please let me know if you have problems like this, so I can try to fix it.

Anyway, Cloud Flare has a system that monitors all of it’s customers websites simultaneously for hacking activity, and when it detects this, it filters those IP addresses for everyone else.  This is really the only defence against this kind of hacking, so let’s hope we see an improvement.  Already I’m a little doubtful.  I see a reduction in hacking, but it’s still pretty heavy.  A reduction is still better than nothing!

Seed: The Untold Story

To survive on earth, we need air, water, soil, and seeds.
Coming Soon: SEED: The Untold Story.


Seed:The Untold Story – A Collective Eye Films Production
Directed by Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz
Executive Producer: Marisa Tomei


November 19, 2013


Seed is not just the source of life. It is the very foundation of our being. – Vandana Shiva


The third film in a trilogy that began with the award-winning films Real Dirt on Farmer John and Queen of the Sun, SEED: The Untold Story unearths the dramatic story of seeds and the global struggle to preserve them. “The very diversity in our seed stocks, of the plants we depend on to stave off hunger, are is as endangered as a Panda or a Golden Eagle, or a Polar Bear right now.” Says Gary Paul Nabhan, featured in the film.  SEED also  features well-known voices ranging from Jane Goodall, Vandana Shiva, Raj Patel and Winona LaDuke.

Marisa Tomei, Academy-Award winning actress and advocate for real food recently joined SEED as Executive Producer. “After seeing Queen of the Sun, I fell in love with the bees. When I heard that Taggart and Jon were making another film about seed, I called them, and said how can I help.”


SEED: The Untold Story, a feature-length documentary film, tells the harrowing and heartening story of humans’ 12,000-year relationship with seeds. As many irreplaceable seeds are nearing extinction, SEED unveils a David and Goliath battle for their future. The film follows an absorbing journey into “doomsday” seed vaults, the colorful dedication of seed savers, and the world of indigenous tribes, who strive to protect our sacred seed ancestry. SEED celebrates the mystery, power and essential nature of seeds. Entertaining and engaging, SEED will ignite the imagination of audiences, inspiring them to be part of a brave new movement dedicated to safeguarding our world’s sustainable future.


Through the filmmakers unique way of funding this film, largely through Kickstarter, they have been more public, building together a vast community around the film to start creating a dialogue. Says Jon Betz, who is directing the film with Taggart Siegel.
“The seed issue is changing every day, and from research to funding, our community and our audience has been a very key part of creating the story for SEED.”


SEED is on Kickstarter, Facebook, and Twitter.

Public Domain Banana Breeding on Trinidad

How I ended up viewing this video is a long story.  You know how sometimes you think about one thing, that leads to another, and pretty soon you end up some place totally unexpected?

Anyway, bananas are sometimes an example held up as to why we need genetic engineering.  Banana breeding is very difficult, and has been pursued by experts for many years.  Habitats for wild bananas, and crucially the bat that was their primary pollinator, have mostly been destroyed by man.  We also don’t have enough germplasm in store in genebanks.  We are reaching the end of life of the ‘cavandish’ banana we all know because of disease pressure.

The solution we are all told is that we have to accept GM bananas.

Of course a major part of the problem is we insist on intensively cultivating monocultures of bananas in chemical intensive environments, causing many of the the disease problems.

Here’s a small group of people trying to find a new public domain solution, targeted towards small farmers.

Hacking Problems

Lots of hacking lately!

In recent years this blog has been infected with malware twice.  I’ve posted about this before.

There are nearly daily efforts to brute-force guess passwords, or exploit other known WordPress weaknesses.  Sometimes they succeed.  Honestly, many WordPress weaknesses seem intentional, and the people doing the hacking are anything but amateurs.  This is clearly something well organized, and with a lot of money and power behind it.  The goal seems to not necessarily directly bring down the blog, but rather to breach the security covertly, be in control of it, and able to ‘pull the plug’ any time they want.  This all seems eerily related to the Edward Snowden leaks, and the fact that all major superpowers are known to engage in Internet hacking.  Of course corporations are not free of guilt in this area either, and we all know I’ve pissed some of them off.  It all seems childish and undemocratic.

Anyway, if this blog suddenly disappears someday, this is probably why.

For the time being, the solution seems to be to turn on comment moderation, and limit some Internet address ranges.  This means if you happen to have an Internet address close to the hackers, and I’ve been over enthusiastic, I might have limited your IP address too by mistake.  I don’t think many people will have this kind of problem.  If however you get any error messages or have any trouble viewing any pages or posting comments, please get in touch so I can look into it.