Leningrad Garlic

Leningrad Garlic

This garlic is Porcelain type.

Honestly this wasn’t one of my favorite garlics. At least so far it’s not very acclimated to my garden, but even keeping that in mind the plants don’t seem very productive. Many bulbs of this variety seem to form only 2 cloves. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s a little odd.

What I like about this garlic, is the name. For whatever reason the garlic growing community decided not to update it according to the new name Leningrad has. There’s nothing wrong with this, after all we don’t go into a Chinese restaurant and order Beijing Duck do we? We order Peking Duck!

Music Garlic

Music Garlic

This garlic is a Porcelain type.

This is a nice all around garlic. Rebsie on Daughter of the Soil recently mentioned this was her favorite variety. One of the advantages of this garlic for those of us who live in Europe, is that it is often sold by garden centers making one of the only commonly available heirloom varieties.

It is very similar to other porcelain varieties, and likewise has very nice flavor. It’s certainly worth considering growing this variety.

Rosewood Garlic

Rosewood Garlic

This garlic is a Porcelain type.

This has a nice clove color, a bit of a wood tone. It has a slightly sweet flavor that is very nice, but also similar to other porcelain garlics. This is the second year growing this and I am pretty happy with it so far.

Susan Marie Garlic

Susan Marie Garlic

This garlic is Porcelain type.
This is one of those all around nice but not very special garlics. This is my second year growing it, and it does well. It normally produces 4-6 clove bulbs, has a nice taste and pretty cloves. It is very similar and a good substitute for Susan Delafield and several other porcelain garlics. This is a rare garlic and hard to find.