Garlic Harvest 2010 Begins!

I started today harvesting my first few garlics.  The Asiatic Turban and Creole types always need to be harvested a little earlier that the others, so I started with these.  Even though there are several different varieties of garlic in the picture, they all look pretty similar, with the characteristic reddish skin of the Turban types.

They look really good this year.  They also smell wonderful!  The Turbans are among the most aromatic varieties, and among my favorites.  The only drawback is they do tend to fall apart in the ground if you harvest them too late and they are a little more susceptible to garlic rust.

Creole Red Garlic

Creole Red Garlic

This garlic is Creole type.

It’s not as pretty as Burgundy, but it’s a pretty garlic. It has larger cloves than the Burgundy, and the color is not as dark. It also doesn’t grow as well. This is the second year in my garden, and it is just struggling along. The taste is nice and rich.

Creole garlics are warm weather types, that don’t normally do well in northern gardens like mine. Even still, it’s a nice garlic to try to grow because it does have a unique taste.

Burgundy Garlic

Burgundy Garlic

This is a Creole type garlic.

Creole garlic is more of a warm climate type, so none of them do very well in my northern garden. This one does reasonably well, all things considered. The striking feature of this garlic is the bright red cloves contrasted with a paper white skin. You can see many of the bulbs began to open in the ground. The taste of this garlic is good, and somewhat unique.