Pedalling Permaculture

Filmmaker Tim Hall visited me in Amsterdam on a day I was talking to a group of community gardeners.  You can find part of this talk in episode 3.

Tim travelled around Belgium and the Netherlands, visiting alternative organic farms, food forests and other permaculture related projects on his bicycle.

The talk was hosted by Cityplot of Amsterdam, who run the community garden plot.  Also mentioned in episode 3 was River of Herbs.


EU Seed Law: Final Commission Draft

After some dramatic last minute changes, the draft EU seed law passed the EU commission today, looking quite a bit different from what I posted about here and here.

In the final draft is a provision for €2.000.000/10 person companies, both seed and food products, that is largely exempt from EU seed law.    This is very good news!  This will mean a huge difference for European agriculture, small farmers and agricultural biodiversity.

Changes are still possible as it passes to the EU Parliament and Council for final approval, but for the moment it looks like we have something to celebrate!

The final draft can be downloaded here.

Thank you everyone who signed the petitions and emailed your commissioners!

Important!  Please keep signing the petitions if you haven’t yet done so!  The fight is not yet over!

Nelson the Adventurer

Nelson of the blog Nelson the Adventurer just left a couple of comments here, so I had a look at his blog.  It’s only a few months old, but looks really good.  Gardening and outdoor life in Australia.