Various organizations across Europe organized and participated in a mass seed swap, demonstration and other activities. I was there, and this is the first in a series of posts on the event. I posted about this before, and the official website of the event is here.
I hosted a table at the seed swap together with the Danish Seed Savers. In the picture below is Søren of In the Toad’s Garden on the left, Lila Towle head of the Danish Seed Savers on the right, and me in the middle.

Neil Munro of the UK Heritage Seed Library was there together with
Maria Scholten, a freelance researcher working with the Scottish Crofting

Not to be outdone of course was Kokopelli of France and Belgium:

Tom Wagner’s potatoes were prominently featured. Those below were offered by Lieven of De Lusthof.

there were bags:


seeds in little compartments:

seeds on the cob and in the pumpkin:

heads of grain:

seeds in test tubes and jars:

seeds laid out nicely on the table:

and more bags of seeds:

and much more…