How the Netherlands Got Its Cycle Paths

From time to time I read about interest in the US or other places about how Europe does it’s traffic engineering.  For example I’ve heard a number of US cities are adopting traffic circles modelled after those in the UK.

A few Dutch cities with particularly dangerous and complicated intersections have apparently pretty successfully implemented the ‘hands off’ approach, and removed all signals and warning signs.  This is in the theory that everyone approaching a dangerous situation tends to see it, slow down and be more careful.  Apparently having too many signs is a distraction.  A lot of attention has been paid to these recently.

Anyway, the question comes up from time to time, how did the Dutch get their amazing network of bicycle paths, which can be found everywhere in the country?  If you’re like me perhaps you might think it’s just a natural thing, because the country is so flat or because cycling is so popular.  Actually, there’s a story about this, and a lesson to be learned.  Here’s a video I found recently.

Gathering Call Geneva, Switzerland on 20 October

Since I have readers all over the world, I don’t normally post things that only apply to specific places.  I think however this is important.  If you can travel to Geneva consider attending the following next week:

*Thursday 20 October 2011 from 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm*
*In front of the UPOV**building*
*(Union internationale pour la protection des obtentions végétales)*
*34, Chemin des Colombettes – Geneva*

*For the immediate recognition of farmers’ right to re-use and Exchange freely their seeds, to protect them from biopiracy and contaminations from patented genes. No to seeds multinationals’ grip!*

*No to the 1991 Proprietary Variety Protection Act, to any form of patent on plants, part of plants, their genes or extraction processes.*

Since 1991, the UPOV seeks to forbid farmers to use part of their own crop for seeds, or to force them to pay royalties to companies holding a Plant Variety Certificate. Yet, any of the seeds sold by the industry is still a product of seeds collected at no cost in the fields of farmers who have selected and preserved for millennia all food plants we feed on to this day. The Convention on Biological Diversity did introduce in 1992 in Rio the principle of a fair sharing of advantages which should force companies to pay farmer’s whose seeds were used as resources. Today, the UPOV seeks to apply at any rate its reverse sharing where it is the bio-pirated farmer who has to pay the bio-pirate!

*Yet, the right of farmers to re-use and exchange their seeds is essential for crops’ adaptation to climate change and local adaptation, which is the only way to decrease the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It ensures the security of seeds stocks and thus of food security. *

The growing number of patents on natural genes, muted or manipulated, of commercial seeds already protected by Plant Variety Certificate reinforces further the confiscation of all seeds of our planet by a handful of seeds multinationals that seize peoples’ right to food. The detrimental alliance of the UPOV and the Patents Office threatens directly food sovereignty.

*Come on and join us:*

*Farming Mystica, theatrical sketches, pacific and militant actions are awaiting you there!*

Contacts :

Uniterre, Swiss member of the European Coordination Via Campesina +41 21 601 74 67
European Coordination Via Campesina Rue de la Sablonnière 18- 1000 Bruxelles-Belgium-

Please RSVP

Weeds in a Gravel Path

I don’t do many posts on request, but I guess this is an exception.

In 2009 I wrote this post and mentioned I was going to use vinegar to try to kill the weeds in the gravel.  At the time I was hoping for feedback from others who had tried something similar.  Not only did I not get a lot of feedback, but pretty soon I gave up on the vinegar.  It took a lot of vinegar, and it wasn’t really working very well.  Since I made that post however, I’ve been getting a lot of traffic via Google, from people looking for solutions to weeds in gravel paths.  Rather then let all those people end up on a post that lays out something that doesn’t work, I thought I would make an updated post here with what I find works well!

We have gravel paths all over our community garden complex, and the picture above is one that hasn’t been maintained in a few months.  You can see it’s pretty well covered with weeds.  You notice there are gardens on both sides, so the weeds either escape from the gardens next to the path, or more likely are from seeds blown by the wind.  In a situation like this, I find a weed burner works pretty well to control the weeds.

Below is a picture of a similar path as the one above, but where I’ve been using a weed burner regularly to burn the weeds.

I last used the weed burner here a few weeks ago, and I’m pretty sure the gardeners on the sides have pulled a few weeds by hand too.  You can see the weed burner is not perfect, but it does a pretty good job and is a lot easier than doing it completely by hand.  The entire path in this picture, all the way to the end, takes about an hour to do with a weed burner and if the weeds are kept under control it only needs to be done every month or two during the growing season.  Once it gets to the point of the path in the top picture, it has to be done weekly for a few months, until the weeds are under control.

The weed burner only burns off the tops of the weeds, and doesn’t kill them right away.  It takes going over them a few times before they die completely.  Some weeds aren’t killed by the weed burner, and have to be pulled by hand, but these are mostly the larger and easier to pull weeds.  You also have to give some thought to what you have alongside the path, and in particular avoid flammable things like dry mulch or dry rotted wood.  You also can’t use the weed burner in dry weather or when fire is otherwise a hazard.

As a rule it works better to make a number of quick passes over the path, a few days or a week or two apart, rather than one intensive burn.  When you singe the tops of the plants, rather than turning them to ash, they are more likely to die completely over time.  This is because singeing damages them, and causes the plants to expend more resources trying to repair the damage.  Occasionally weeds respond better to having their tops burned off completely, and this tends to make the path look better, so it can help to do this from time to time too.

Above is an example of a path were the weed burner doesn’t work.  This path has a garden on the left, and a grassy patch on the right, with no barrier between the grass and gravel path.

You can see too the picture includes the path in front of two different gardens, the one in the back is not quite as diligent in digging the grass out, and the gardener in front I know has a system of chemicals for spraying on the path.  I don’t know what chemicals he uses, but he also says nothing he tried really works.

The weed burner just won’t kill the grass in this way.  All that happens is you spend hours burning and reburning the grass, and it just comes back.

Above is a section of path, with my garden on the left.  In this case, I burn the path in front of my garden, but not my neighbors garden.  While I’m an organic gardener, this neighbor is beyond organic, and doesn’t want any power tools used in his garden either.  He rightly considers the weed burner a power tool.

I’m not very diligent at burning in front of my own garden for some reason, and I hardly ever pull anything by hand that doesn’t get killed with the weed burner.  That’s why there are still a few weeds in front of my garden.  My neighbor can hardly be bothered to pull his weeds by hand.  It actually works okay in this way, and the weeds don’t really spread much to my side of the path.

In the picture above, from time to time I burn the path on the left.  One day I got into a big fight with the gardener on the right because I was burning his path (I previously had his agreement to do this), but he felt it was a too environmentally friendly way to get rid of the weeds.  He said it was only temporary, didn’t get all the weeds, that the weeds come back too quickly and RoundUp was the only real way to get rid of weeds in gravel.  He then got out his spray bottle of RoundUp and made a big point of spraying his path at the same time I was using the weed burner.

Since he made such a big obnoxious scene, and since I burn the paths around his so they look clean all the time, he’s under a lot of pressure to make sure his path stays clear or he’ll lose face.  He has to prove RoundUp is better than the weed burner!  He’s frequently out digging and redigging his path.  From time to time it also looks like he sprays it, but that doesn’t really work because it doesn’t kill everything and he still has a path of dead weeds he has to dig up later anyway.  You can see in the picture, his path has a lot of dug up dirt mixed in with the gravel, and it’s always about as green as it is in this picture.

I have heard from others that RoundUp doesn’t really work.  There’s always lots of discussion over alternatives, but I’ve never heard of anyone finding anything they found satisfactory.

Algal Blooms

The canals around the garden are really bad this year.  They are all full of algal blooms.

In some places the algae is so thick trash floats on it.

The water plants floating on top here look pretty healthy.  When the infestation is a little lighter the ducks and other water birds eat it.  I haven’t seen any water birds in the canals for months now.  Underneath the surface is slimy green algae.

I don’t know for sure what the cause of these algal blooms are, but I suspect they’re caused by excess phosphorus in the water, and probably excess manure being spread on the surrounding land.  Farmers pay land owners to accept their waste manure spread out on it, and this in turn contaminates the water.  Because of a soil test I did a few years ago, I already know there’s a lot of phosphorus in the ground and water.

Pig farmers in particular are known right now to be having a problem with excessive manure from their pigs.  I suspect this is where at least some of the problem is coming from.

Because the canals are so close to my garden, I suspect this is causing a lot of the problems I’ve been having lately with plants not growing well, and weeds like bindweed growing very quickly.  I understand bindweed grows in ground where something is interfering with the natural decomposition of organic material, and I suspect this is being caused by the lack of oxygen in the surrounding canals because of the algae growth.

I’ve been reading in the US, in particular the lakes of Wisconsin, there are similar problems with phosphorus and algal blooms.  The formula of dishwasher detergent was recently changed in the US to reduce the amount of phosphorus, which is a very American solution to the problem of factory farm waste.  Why not after all blame the consumer with something irrelevant?

If anyone complains about the change in formula of dishwasher detergent, you can look at them with a blank stare and ask them if they believe in unnecessarily polluting the environment, and if anyone complains about the factory farming you can tell them every thing is under control because the formula in dishwasher detergent has been changed.

Anyone else having problems with phosphorus pollution and algal blooms?

Olivier de Schutter Video

Below is the video of Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, as it was shown in April 2011, at the demonstration in Brussels I posted about before.

The spoken language is French, with English subtitles.

If you wish to download a version to play directly on your own computer, you can do that here. The original video without embedded subtitles can be downloaded here.

Get the Flash Player to see this video.