I promised some more pictures of dried beans. Here is the last round harvested from my garden.
From left to right, up to down, these are Boston Favorite, Purple Prince, Penguin and Painted Pony beans.
Here are some more ordinary beans. Dark Red Kidney, Navy and Pinto beans. This variety of Pinto is similar, but different from what you normally see in stores.
The ones you refer to as ‘penguin’, I have grown this year under the name of ‘magpie’.
Anyway, check out my blog for some seriously bifurcated carrots. http://mustardplaster.blogspot.com/
Hi MissHathorn,
Your blog looks great! It’s nice to see someone else who grows heirloom/heritage varieties.
I see that with beans a lot. Many times beans with different names look the same. Often the plants grow differently. Sometimes they really seem to be the same plant.