Does anyone else out there read the White House blog?
Maybe it’s not something everyone would admit to, but I read this blog from time to time and find it very interesting. With as many as 5-10 posts per day, many of them very long, I certainly don’t keep up with them all. I do however come across some real gems from time to time, like this recent one entitled Newt Gingrich Gets It Wrong.
Okay, I’m biased. In general I like Obama and the direction he’s trying to go in. I’m also no fan of Newt Gingrich. More than anything however, I think this is just a very well written piece and the White House really understands the concept of a blog and what to use it for.
A blog is really a personal expression of who you are and what you want to say. When you read someone else’s blog, you really gain a very personal insight into who they are and what they’re thinking. Of course Obama doesn’t write any of the posts himself, but instead has people close to him who are experts write for him, and it really offers an insight into the White House that’s never existed before. You can see exatly what’s got their attention and what they are working on at the moment, in near real time.
One of the most valuable things about a blog is the lack of rules. For example, I’ve been criticized in the past for identifying foods you should not eat or eat less of, in particular meat and other processed foods. This of course violates the idea you should only promote healthy foods, like the 5 servings of fruit and vegetables we are all supposed to care about. I’ve been criticized for not being a good journalist or scientist. Of course I’ve said many things that have upset people in general.
The truth of course is that I don’t represent the interests of the food industry, and I’m not writing as a journalist or scientist. Therefore, I’m simply not bound by the corresponding rules, and you end up seeing a more personal side of me than you might otherwise. Having said this, I do put some effort into not intentionally saying things that aren’t true, and don’t intentionally upset people just for the sake of doing it.
When President Obama makes a speech, or the White House gives a press conference, there are rules and protocols that go with this. Beyond that, it’s up to the various TV networks and news publications to further filter and condense what was said. Something like the post I linked to above about Newt Gingrich would never survive this sort of condensing and processing, and the average person is unlikely to ever get that message.
The White House blog is not bound by the rules of traditional media. I really like that I can go there directly, see the information they want me to see, presented in the way they want me to see it. I think it reflects well on the Obama administration that they can do this so effectively. I think this kind of communication is changing Democracy the way we know it.
My favorite:
Hi et, I read BoingBoing sometimes too.