New Look

Those of you visiting this site with a web browser will notice it’s changed. This site uses WordPress, a popular website software. WordPress has a ‘front end’ that you see when you visit, and a ‘back end’ which is what I see when I write posts or do other administration on the site.

The ‘front end’ is maintained by me. The ‘back end’, like most computer software, changes over time and is regularly updated by the WordPress developers.

If I don’t keep the front end in line with the changes in the back end, eventually my website stops working. In order to avoid a last minute crisis, I need to update the the front end of the site from time to time. This is one of those updates.

I will probably continue to make small changes over the next several weeks. I appreciate your patience, and of course would welcome any comments or complaints, so I can try to fix them as necessary.

I hope everyone is having a nice summer. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.