Resilient Seed Fliers

Resilient Seed was a film made by Ella von der Haide of the seed saving event in Brussels in April 2011. I’ve posted about this earlier. Booklets to accompany the film have just been released, and you can find them here:

Versions of the film corresponding to these languages can be found on her YouTube channel.

While they are oriented towards Europeans, I think the film together with the booklet are a really good introduction to what the seed saving movement worldwide is all about, together with some very practical information on how to organize your own seed swap.

In the background of the film preview picture above, you can see the backs of Søren and me giving away seeds that day.  He has the red shirt, and me the white.

Greek Olive Oil Soap

I did a post several days ago about some Greek Olive Oil I bought at a farmers market, fairly direct from the farm and with a picture of the farmer on the label.

Completely by coincidence, I was looking for hand soap the other day.

There’s a local shop I used to like buying my soap from, a natural food store.  Years ago it used to be a sort of food cooperative, but was bought by a larger chain.  Over the years they’ve been slowly going from selling local organic foods to selling yuppie vitamins and certified organic processed foods.  While they’re still a local business, it’s getting harder and harder to justify buying anything from them any more.  Until a few months ago I bought my soap from them, as they sold a locally made, reasonably priced, relatively natural and vegetable based soap.  Lately they seem to be having troubles with their suppliers, don’t have much in stock, and the prices are going up.  They’ve also been trying to push their customers onto more expensive and processed alternatives.

As much as it really annoyed me to do so, I started looking on Amazon and thinking about an order I could make with free shipping…  In my case there’s no local Amazon, the closest is Germany, but they often have free shipping to here.

I really didn’t want to order my bath soap this way, so I started looking for some alternatives that were more local.

I found Dendres who, at least according to their website, are Greek farmers who sell their olive oil and olive oil products via a warehouse in the Netherlands.  As you can see from the picture above, I did get my order from them as expected.  It was cheaper than anything else I found anywhere, even though I did pay for shipping.  Beyond this and what it says on their website, I don’t know anything about them.

Anyone else have any good examples of buying online directly from farmers?  How about distribution networks that help farmers sell their products directly in this way?  It would be nice to promote and more easily find farmers like this.  It would also be nice if there was some sort of certification, to prevent non-farmers from claiming to be farmers, something like the way farmers markets are sometimes certified in the US as having only farmers selling their own products or perhaps those of another certified farmer.

Are there any farmers out there who sell your own products this way?

New GMO Study Shows Cancer Risk

A new French life-long study shows rats fed a particular variety of Monsanto’s GMO corn or exposed to glyphosate (Round Up) residues had a significantly higher risk of developing tumors and organ damage.

As a result of this study, Russia has suspended the import of US GMO corn.

This peer reviewed study showed a number of important things.  The first was currently all testing is done for 3 months, and in this study the tumors didn’t develop until after the initial 90 days.  This is also the first study that shows exposure to the GMO corn alone was enough to cause tumors, suggesting direct manipulation of the corn genome can itself cause cancer.  The study also showed exposure to glyphosate residues can cause cancer.

Dutch Research Nonsense

If there was ever a finer example of research study nonsense, I can’t remember when.  Supposedly Dutch researchers have come up with the first ‘hard evidence’ that drinks containing sugar contribute to childhood obesity.

Yes, I know.  If you believe the comments on that post, or talk with worried moms the world over, you’ll know it’s just a fact that sugar is bad for children.  If you follow the links on the post through, and actually read the referenced studies, you get a different story.

This study only included youngsters who were already drinking sugary drinks, because it was considered unethical to possibly give them sugary drinks otherwise!

The children in The Netherlands were given specially manufactured artificially flavored non-carbonated drinks containing sucralose and acesulfame potassium, two ingredients not normally found in commonly available sugar free drinks.  They then supervised the drinking of the beverages, and tested for traces of these chemicals in the urine of the children.  At the conclusion of this study, they determined these children gained less weight than their peers who drank a similar beverage made with real sugar.

I’ll bet those drinks tasted vile!

So what have we learned here?  It seems to me, we’ve learned large quantities of these two chemicals delay weight gain in the 5-12 year age range.

Is there really anything else to be gained from this study?  Apparently we’re supposed to conclude drinking diet soft drinks as an alternative to those made with sugar is healthier for children.

Did anyone read any conclusions about the long term health of the children?  What about longer term weight gain?  A similar study in the US noted weight loss was limited to the first year, and after that returned.  Was there any other way the health of those children were improved with all those chemicals?  What about the children who drank water instead of specially manufactured artificially flavored drinks?  Don’t we know when people diet to lose weight, they almost always gain it back and then some?

Drinks containing sugar have been around for a long time, especially if you consider fruit juice too.  Both sugar free drinks and childhood obesity on the other hand are relatively new, especially in Europe.  Is it a coincidence the widespread consumption of sugar free drinks in the US corresponds with the obesity epidemic there?  What about other changes in the diets of children.  Could a significant increase in the amount of processed food have something to do with it?

Isn’t it a little strange there’s money for a study to show sugar free drinks are good for you, but no money to show the dangers of sugar substitutes?  What about that Italian study from a few years ago that showed aspartame causes cancer?

We need to spend more time worrying about the processed food children are eating, including sugar substitutes, and less time on sugar.  We need some real science!

Is this any different from the ‘science’ that showed us all those energy saving light bulbs were good for us?

Field Liberation Movement Calls for Support

Now nearly a year and a half ago, I posted on the Belgian Field Liberation Movement, and their Field Liberation Day in Wetteren.  This was a demonstration against a genetically modified potato field planting trial.  After much public debate, and many long winded speeches by politicians, they finally decided last May to sue eleven of the ‘Field Liberators’ in civil court for damages.

Last month a Belgian court, acting on a filing from Greenpeace, declared the original permit authorizing the field trial invalid, and thus the field trial itself illegal.  Way to go Greenpeace!

The civil trial is now scheduled for 15 January 2013.

You can help!  You can donate to help offset possible sanctions or civil liabilities, as well as pay their legal or other expenses.  You can buy their t-shirts or beer!  You can also attend the hearing in January to show your support.