It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about my house foundation, with all the excitement of the events in Brussels, I almost stopped paying attention. They’ve just gotten to the exciting part! They’re removing the contaminated ground under the house.
Since the house is built nearly at water level, they didn’t have to dig far before they reached water. In the picture above you can see they inserted a measuring stick so they could monitor the water level with respect to the dirt. Soon they are going to start running a pump to remove some of the water, so they can dig deeper. Rain is forecast, so the water table might start rising too.

You can see the pipes sticking out of the ground are what they drove for the piles. They aren’t yet filled with concrete, but that’s due to happen on Monday.
The smell is quite incredible. Oily and very dirty smelling. It’s classified by the city as very toxic waste (when compared to what they usually find under peoples houses in the city). Mostly it’s heavy metals that are the problem; high levels of zinc, a bit of lead and mercury, and some other things. The test showed traces of petroleum distillates. It’s very dirty!
According to city records, until 1930 or so the house had a dirt floor. What they found was 3 different concrete floors built on top of one another.
The house is 350 years old and and been sinking the whole time. Literally, from one generation to the next, they’ve just been dumping their crap into the floor, letting it sink and building a new floor on top.

Here you can see the former load bearing wall I posted about before. Now it’s a nice new steel beam.