Reclaim the Seeds

Local seed and food organization Aseed is sponsoring a seed swap and local food fair.  Bifurcated Carrots will be there with a stand on Saturday.

If you’re in the area, please come by!  Entrance is free.

If you’re able to sponsor a stand or presentation on either day, please get in touch!  You can either contact me, and I will put you in touch with the right person, or you can contact them directly via their websites.  There is no cost to sponsor a stand.  You can either give seeds and plants away at no cost, or you can sell them.  You can also run an information only stand.

Open Tap for Anitibiotics in US Agriculture

It’s a busy Christmas for politicians this year!  Lots of things seem to be being sneaked through during the holiday season.  I posted a few days ago about the announcement of a GM corn trial in Belgium, and now I’ve come across this quiet announcement by the FDA in the US that they are formally giving up trying to regulate the routine feeding of antibiotics to livestock in the US.  It’s not like they’ve been doing much in the past, but now it’s official.

Supposedly, Europe is going in a different direction, but I’m not sure that really means anything.  Now the routine feeding of antibiotics as a growth stimulant is forbidden, but all that means is farmers have to say it’s necessary for something else, and can continue to use them.  Maybe all routine use will be prohibited, but this is far from a done deal.

New GM Corn Trial Planned in Belgium

Following up on the GM potato trial that took place last year in Belgium, a new GM trial — this time corn, is planned for the coming three years in the same location!  I wonder if they’re going to build a stronger fence this time?!  Is it just a coincidence they announced this the day before Christmas holiday weekend?

This time they assure us no one could possibly object to the trial.  They say they will remove the tassels before the plants produce pollen so contamination of the nearby environment won’t be possible.  They also say there will be no business interests, it will only be a project of the university.  Hm, I wonder if the university has any business connections itself…

An important message from the organizers of the resistance:

[EN] Hello,

Yesterday we learned that the VIB is requesting authorisation for a field trial for GM maize in Wetteren. This crop would be launched in a three year open field trial, from 2012 on. A public consultation is organised which is open till 21 January.

It’s very important to respond individually to this consultation by using the special form for this purpose.

Below you find links to useful documents, press articles and a dossier that aims to develop some arguments on this case.

The pdf is just a personal summary of some facts and possible context around that sudden new field trial. To be used freely, as extra inspiration for replying at the inquiry, for an article, an action, or a campaign…

For more information see their website.

See here to respond to the consultation, but be aware as of the time of this post, the English language form wasn’t available.  Keep trying!  Let’s send some web traffic their way and let them know we’re eager, even before the form becomes available.

Australian Seedsavers Portuguese Tour

Margarida of the Portuguese Seed Savers recently sent an email to a mailing list I’m on, telling everyone about the visit to their country by the founders of the Australian Seedsavers. One of the coordinators of the Australian organization is Kate, known to some of you because she has a blog and visited some of us in Europe too.

Anyway, the Australian Seedsavers met more than 400 people in Portugal. They visited food gardens at several locations and taught workshops on collecting and saving seeds, traditional plant varieties, edible seeds, permaculture, activism and kitchen gardens in schools.

You can read more about this in Portuguese here, or in English here.

Purple of Sicily Cauliflower

I first wrote about this cauliflower 6 years ago.  Bayu who lives in Indonesia left a comment asking if I had any spare seeds I would send for free, but I don’t have these any more.  Does anyone have some seeds, or would like to buy some seeds, and send them to Indonesia for free?  If so, please let me know and I’ll forward the email address.

These are pretty ordinary seeds.  If you live in the US, they are available for example at Baker Creek.  There are similar varieties with different names, so if you have something that looks the same it probably is.