Cuban Blogs

I came across the blog Generation Y a few days ago, because the BBC linked to it!  The BBC doesn’t usually link to blogs, so it caught my eye to see this.

Anyway, Generation Y, written by Yoani Sanchez, is all about people with the letter ‘Y’ in their name.

Are you wondering why the BBC is interested in a blog about the letter Y, and why I’m talking about it and linking to it here?  Don’t be silly!  You’re probably one of those people who come here and expect this to be a gardening blog.

Generation Y is really one of the leading Cuban dissident blogs, and it’s written entirely in English.  It’s a powerful and very well written blog.  Well worth having a look at.  Be sure to have a look at her ‘How to Help’ page, and especially if you’re travelling to Cuba, consider bringing some of the things she asks for in your luggage.

For other Cuban blogs in Spanish, there’s a list here.

Generation Y has a blogroll with English language or English translated blogs, and for your convenience I’m copying the list here:

Blogs are changing the world.  It’s important blogs support and link to one another, and that blogs can be easily found.  Automated translations are quickly eliminating language barriers, and every blog is becoming international in scope.  Please help spread the word on these blogs above, and if you know of other important groups of blogs please let me know so I can mention them here.