A Favorite Non-Gardening Blog

Does anyone else out there read the White House blog?

Maybe it’s not something everyone would admit to, but I read this blog from time to time and find it very interesting.  With as many as 5-10 posts per day, many of them very long, I certainly don’t keep up with them all.  I do however come across some real gems from time to time, like this recent one entitled Newt Gingrich Gets It Wrong.

Okay, I’m biased.  In general I like Obama and the direction he’s trying to go in.  I’m also no fan of Newt Gingrich.  More than anything however, I think this is just a very well written piece and the White House really understands the concept of a blog and what to use it for.

A blog is really a personal expression of who you are and what you want to say.  When you read someone else’s blog, you really gain a very personal insight into who they are and what they’re thinking.  Of course Obama doesn’t write any of the posts himself, but instead has people close to him who are experts write for him, and it really offers an insight into the White House that’s never existed before.  You can see exatly what’s got their attention and what they are working on at the moment, in near real time.

One of the most valuable things about a blog is the lack of rules.  For example, I’ve been criticized in the past for identifying foods you should not eat or eat less of, in particular meat and other processed foods.  This of course violates the idea you should only promote healthy foods, like the 5 servings of fruit and vegetables we are all supposed to care about.  I’ve been criticized for not being a good journalist or scientist.  Of course I’ve said many things that have upset people in general.

The truth of course is that I don’t represent the interests of the food industry, and I’m not writing as a journalist or scientist.  Therefore, I’m simply not bound by the corresponding rules, and you end up seeing a more personal side of me than you might otherwise.  Having said this, I do put some effort into not intentionally saying things that aren’t true, and don’t intentionally upset people just for the sake of doing it.

When President Obama makes a speech, or the White House gives a press conference, there are rules and protocols that go with this.  Beyond that, it’s up to the various TV networks and news publications to further filter and condense what was said.  Something like the post I linked to above about Newt Gingrich would never survive this sort of condensing and processing, and the average person is unlikely to ever get that message.

The White House blog is not bound by the rules of traditional media.  I really like that I can go there directly, see the information they want me to see, presented in the way they want me to see it.  I think it reflects well on the Obama administration that they can do this so effectively.  I think this kind of communication is changing Democracy the way we know it.

Holy Beans

Years ago now, I posted the advice that if you save beans from your garden, you should freeze them before storing them.  This year, I’m paying the price of not following my own advice.

In addition, these probably have something to do with it:

These are sacks I buy my coffee in.  I’ve posted about this before too.  I buy green coffee beans, that come from many exotic tropical places in the world, then roast them myself.

The holes in my beans are from Bean Weevils, more specifically I suspect Coffee Bean Weevils.

Of course I thought I was being clever by reusing my coffee sacks to store my garden beans!

In my case, I think I caught it pretty fast.  I first noticed them in November, and quickly froze my bean seeds.  Weevils are hardy enough to survive a day or two in the freezer, but are usually killed after several days.  Occasionally you have to thaw and refreeze the seeds, in order to mimic the weather cycles that cause them to hatch, in order to kill remaining eggs.  In my case, freezing them once seems to have taken care of it.

I’ve had a couple of reinfestations over the last few weeks, and by now all of my bean seeds are a little suspect.  I don’t think I lost any important varieties, but did throw some unimportant ones away.  The most irritating thing of course is now my beans aren’t appetizing to eat, because there are dead larvae hidden away in many of them.  I’m not sure how this will impact the germination rates of my seeds, but I’m sure it will be reduced for many of them.

For those of you hoping to trade bean seeds with me, I’m sure you’ll understand why I’m not sending them out this year.

Seed storage is an all too often neglected topic, and one that’s very important.  I’ve heard it said loosing seeds in storage is more common than crop failures.

You often have to balance risks like this.  It’s very possible for example to lose seeds in the process of freezing them, or storing them in an airtight container.  It’s also possible to lose them to pests like this.  Sometimes there aren’t any right or wrong answers…

New Frontiers in Genetic Engineering

I was browsing some older posts from Matt’s blog, and I came across this.

In fact this is something I’ve known for a while, and coincidentally sent Matt an email about the other day, but I’ve never posted here on the subject.

It’s just a fact, the science of genetic engineering (GE) is quickly moving out of the laboratory and into the home.  Not just in our ability to buy products that are themselves a result of GE, but also in our own ability to make GE organisms.

Already, if you have a well equiped home, it’s possible to do an awful lot.  The cost of this equipment is within the budgets of many people, it’s only getting cheaper and it’s accuracy increasing.

The amount of publicly available data that can assist GE is also increasing at a dramatic rate; including things like decoded genomes and cataloges of marker genes (a fancy term that just means genes with a known trait).  All of this applies to plants, microorganisms, animals and even humans.

So while the debate now often centers on the latest Roundup ready gene Monsanto inserted into our soybeans, tomorrow it could be the latest accident caused by a teenager or the mess intentionally caused by someone knowledgeable.

I often compare GE to abortions.  I don’t really think it makes sense for anyone to be for or against abortions.  An abortion is just a medical procedure.  You can argue if it’s immoral, talk about it in terms of legal or illegal, safe or unsafe, early or late, but you can never deny the existence of the procedure itself.

This is really where we are now with GE.  It doesn’t make sense to call it good or bad.  The genie is out of the bottle.  Now it’s time to start learning as much as possible as quickly as possible about the science, and to focus honestly and diligently on what the real risks are.

In the meantime, this crap doesn’t belong in our food or the environment, until we’ve had a chance to honestly research and learn more about it!

Blogs to Watch

My recent post on Monsanto stirred up quite a commotion! I was having a look at some of the people who commented and followed the links back to their blogs, and I discovered a couple of new ones I hadn’t seen before, that deserved special attention.

Matt of The Scientist Gardener is studying the unintended side-effects and safety of plant genetic engineering. Now here’s a field that’s going to be in the spotlight! Even if he and I may not choose to grow the same things in our gardens, I’m really looking forward to following his blog and staying in touch.

Raymondo of New from Old is someone I know from elsewhere on the Internet, and he has a new blog.  An amateur plant breeder in Australia, getting started on some really interesting looking projects.

Citrus Grafting

I decided a few months ago it was time for me to get into the world of plant grafting.  I posted a few weeks ago about some pre-grafted fruit trees I bought, as well as some root stock.  I expected this all to start in the course of the coming months, but then I had the idea of doing a citrus graft!

This all started when I read Christina’s post here, about some mandarins in the garden of a friend.  She mentioned a variety named Shirokolistvennyi, a Russian variety believed to be very cold hardy.  That started me thinking, if there was a cold hardy mandarin that grows in Russia, why couldn’t I grow it here in Amsterdam?

I asked Christina if her friend might be able to send me a cutting to make a graft with, only to find out she lives in an area under citrus quarantine, and scion wood is not even allowed to be transported locally.  This is to prevent the spread of disease.

After some looking, I found some scion budwood was available from the USDA GRIN germplasm collection.  I agreed with the curator he would send me some — if I would first send him a copy of the ‘letter of authorization’ he said was required for European import of citrus.  So I set off on the great paper chase.

I called customs, the plant disease control people, the people who perform inspections on plant imports (this has all been privatized, outsourced and just a real mess in general).

Everyone I talked to said the same thing.  There are no restrictions on importing citrus budwood into the Netherlands (I don’t know about the rest of the EU), so there was no ‘letter of authorization’ to issue, in fact no one I spoke to had ever heard of a letter of authorization.

The USDA GRIN curator said he couldn’t issue a phytosanitary certificate or any other paperwork, until I could give him the letter of authorization.

Finally we agreed he would just skip all the paperwork, and send it!

So there it is, in the middle, in the plastic bag.

While waiting for GRIN to process my budwood request, I set out to find rootstock for grafting.  Those are the two plants, Poncirus trifoliata, also called Trifolate orange, a citrus relative, said to be very cold hardy and good for use as grafting rootstock.  They are really thorny!

I found the plants at a local nursery De Groene Prins.  It turns out the guy that runs the nursery has been looking for cold hardy citrus to grow locally for some time now, so we had a walk through his garden and he showed me some of the plants he’s experimenting with!  He was very knowledgeable and helpful, and certainly worth a visit for anyone looking for exotic cold hardy plants in the Netherlands.

Above is a grafting knife I bought a few months ago on a visit to San Diego California.  They sell it there in part because it’s used by the citrus industry.  It’s made by Victorinox, and in fact pretty widely available.

I had two plants, so I decided I would make two different kinds of grafts.  First a standard graft, then a bud graft.

For the standard graft, I cut a piece of the budwood and the top of the plant at roughly the same angle.  The budwood is on the left here.  I also cut a further notch in it, that was too small to really show up in the picture, but it is right below the tips of each of these cuts in the down direction.  The intention is to make a bit of a notch, so the two pieces will interlock a bit.

Here they are slotted into one another.  The budwood is on top.  This stayed in place long enough by itself to take this picture.

Next I put some grafting wax on it.  I read different places on the Internet that you should either put the wax on first or tape if first, not knowing for sure which I should do, I started with the wax.

Actually while looking at the pictures I took to make this post I see maybe if I used tape first, I could have taped the graft closed a bit.  None of the surfing around on the subject I’ve done had suggested this might be a good idea.

The wax was purchased locally and called grafting wax, but I’m not really sure it’s the right product.  I needed to melt it over a flame first, and it wasn’t very easy to apply.  None of the wax really penetrated the graft at all, it’s just sort of stuck to the outside.

In the absence of an actual product called grafting tape, I used masking tape.  I had read somewhere that it was okay to do this, but I’m not sure…

Above is the bud graft I made.  The process of doing this was far less picturesque.  In fact it was very difficult, and I hope not too much blood is showing in this picture.  Cutting a bud off the scion wood was no problem, together with some surrounding plant tissue.

You are supposed to slot this into a T-shaped cut on the stem of the root stock.  This is really a lot harder to make than it might seem.  It’s very woody, and when you make a cut with a knife that’s so sharp, the cut disappears right away.  When you try to cut it again with the knife, you make a second parallel cut, that just damages the plant and isn’t very good for slotting the bud into.

Anyway, next time I will approach it more like using the knife to sort of gouge the cut up from below.

The graft is held in place with a rubber band, as an alternative to grafting rubber.

This was sort of a difficult first grafting attempt to make, but then again I guess I’m never for doing anything the easy way.

Actually, in the process of ordering the budwood and buying the rootstock, a Russian friend of mine searched the Internet in Russian for this variety of mandarin.  It turns out it’s more commonly known by the name Gruzinskiy Shirokolistnyi, which means Georgian Wide Leaved Mandarin.  There isn’t any specific information available in Russian about it being cold hardy, but it is supposed to be good for low light conditions (at the possible expense of fewer fruits).  This is promising for me, because low light in the winter can be a problem.  Georgia however has a much warmer climate than me, so I’m a little worried it really is cold hardy.

What my Russian friend said she read, in general, mandarins are hardy down to -5C with no damage, and at -10C may be killed.  It’s pretty unusual the temperature gets down to -10C here, but it does happen.  This winter it got to about -12C.

At the same time, the rootstock I’m using is supposed to make the tree more cold hardy, so this may help.  I understand the rootstock is good down to -20C by itself.

Anyway, I guess I first have to worry about the graft working, then worry about the cold hardiness.

The last part of this story is that I had extra budwood left over after making these two grafts.  I traded them with the guy who runs the nursery where I got the Trifolate orange for these above!  Three seeds from his Yuzu lemon tree, also known to be very cold hardy.  He had two of these plants, one outdoors and one in his polytunnel.  The outdoor plant didn’t have any fruits yet, perhaps still too young, but it survived this past very cold winter with flying colors.  His indoor plant had some fruit on it, and it looked and smelled like a very nice quality lemon.

If anyone out there who has ever done grafting before has any comments, I’d love to hear them.  Especially if this doesn’t work, I’d love to know why…