For those of you coming to the Oxford meeting on 20 September, here is a little last minute information.
Important! Don’t pay the entrance fee at the Botanic Garden. Just tell them you are there for the Food Growing Bloggers Get-Together. The entrance fee is included in the price of our room, and I will collect 15 pounds from everyone later to cover our expenses.
There are a few spaces available if anyone still wants to come. Please email me, leave a comment here or call my mobile number below. After Thursday it’s safer to call, because I may not have regular access to the Internet as I’ll be traveling.
Tentative Schedule
9:30 – 10:30 Coffee and tea. Please arrive at this time, and spend a little time chatting with everyone.
10:30 – 11:10 Ben from Real Seeds will give a presetation about seed saving in general and the seeds he sells.
11:15 – 11:30 I will talk a bit about the garlic I’m growing.
11:30 – 11:45 Simon will talk about allotment related things
11:45 – 12:30 Seed swap
12:30 – 1:30 Picnic (indoors if necessary)
1:30 – 5:30 Time to visit the Botanic Garden, or use our room for more coffee and tea.
Route information to the Botaic Garden is here.
My mobile telephone number is: +31 6 4010 9417
For the picnic, be sure to bring everything you need to eat or drink with (plates, cups, etc). It also might be handy if you bring something to sit on. Please try not to bring excess trash, because we are responsible for disposing of our trash ourselves. We can accommodate a reasonable amount of trash. Remember to think about bringing things from your garden to share, but don’t worry if you don’t have anything along these lines to offer.
A simple kitchen is available for our use, but we have been asked not to prepare any food there because it is not licensed for catering. If you need to rinse a few vegetables, need some hot water, or need to do a little washing up afterwards, these should be no problem.
A few people have not yet confirmed. There is still space if you want to come, but please get in touch first to confirm, because it is still possible we could run out of spaces. I would also appreciate hearing if you have decided not to come.
People with a * next to their name have confirmed.
Bifurcated Carrots (2)*
MustardPlaster (2)*
Spade Work (1)*
Daughter of the Soil (1)*
The plot thickens (1)*
Joanna’s Food (1)*
Growing Our Own (2)
A Blog Called Fuggles (2)
Veg Plotting (1)*
Soilman’s Allotment Blog (1)*
My Tiny Plot (1)
Manor Stables Veg Plot (2)*
Fluffius Muppetus (1)*
NomeGrown (1)
Hills and Plains (1)*
Speaker: Ben – Real Seeds (1)*
Well done Patrick, you’ve done a great job. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone.
Hope your event goes well. Perhaps if one can hosted nearer to Japan…