Cucumber Time

The Dutch have an expression, komkommertijd, which translates to Cucumber Time.  According to Wikipedia this is called Silly Season in English.

It’s a very important time for journalists.

Literally it’s the time of year when news is so slow, because everyone is on vacation and out enjoying the sun somewhere, that journalists are so hungry for a story they are even willing to report on cucumber harvests.  It’s the time of year where there is often a rash of fake press releses, trying to catch journalists off guard.  Every once in a while a good joke gets pulled.

I don’t know about traditional journalism, but it’s getting awfully quiet in the garden blogging world right now.  Anyone reading this have any good stories about their cucumbers?

8 Replies to “Cucumber Time”

  1. hm… my cucumbers have only male flowers now

    but if you want a story for traditional journalism we have many stories here, our journalists have work to do this summer

  2. only this? did you read what happen in Greek island of Mykonos some days before?
    and of course we have the consιcutivement problems with FYROM also
    Many news every day

  3. No cucumbers at the moment at my place, Patrick and you are right, even I have been a bit quiet on the vegie garden posts but a new member, Ting, wrote some stuff about her place and also what to do with daikon leaves.I have been busy having a 50th birthday party and have put on some photos. I have been writing about people who inspire me and some other cool things. Today I took some photos of the rain and sun in my garden…and I am getting all fired up to write about all the great things I harvest in winter. Plans for the trip are going well and we are having a celebration of Kitchen Garden Day on August 24th. I am sure you are very excited to read all this news from Australia! I look forward to telling you more in September!

  4. Are you reading my mind? I just put up a non-cucumber related post, but a cucumber-related post has been rumbling around in the back of my mind because I have Armenian cucumbers coming out of my ears. Stay tuned–a cucumber post will appear soon!

  5. No cukes yet Patrick but I have some monster courgettes! The garden does seem to be dormant right now – though we are on a tipping point and i guess in a few weeks we’ll be snowed under with toms and beans.

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