Black Sea Man Tomato

What do you do when you can’t think of anything else to post about?  Make a post about an heirloom tomato!

This is my first full sized tomato to get ripe.  This is a really nice Russian tomato.  It’s mahogany red/brown with green shoulders on top:

Black Sea Man Tomato

Towards the bottom the color changes to a lighter pink/brown:

Black Sea Man Tomato

In the middle brown, red and green:

Black Sea Man Tomato

The taste is really nice and fresh.  It’s a little on the sweet side.

This is a determinate type tomato, meaning it gives it’s entire harvest within a short period of time.  I have planted several of these in the middle of my other greenhouse tomatoes, with the intention of shortly pulling them out and giving the other plants more space.

5 Replies to “Black Sea Man Tomato”

  1. I like the new look blog, Patrick. Funny you couldn’t think of anything else to post about, I have been like that for weeks!

  2. Hi Patrick,

    Nothing boring about heirloom tomatoes. I’ve yet to have any fruits ripen but things are looking good and I’ll post later. By the way I harvested all my garlic last weekend – riddled with rust but it seems (I hope) that the bulbs are ok and most are a decent size (exception is Silver Rose). I’ve carefully labelled them and I expect I’ll get around to posting comments on each variety in due course.

  3. Hi John,

    More posts on heirloom tomatoes are probably on the way. The tomato deluge is about to start in my garden.

    Silver rose is not that exciting of a garlic anyway, it’s only that it keeps a very long time. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think about the other garlics!

  4. It’s a lovely tomato, but it’s a bit too late for an outdoor tom in the UK. I need to get a greenhouse up, then I should get a decent number of fruit from it!

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