Local Economy Trading System (LETS)

LETS is the name of an informal bartering system that was developed in the early 80’s in British Columbia, Canada. When it was developed the local economy was depressed, no one had much money and unemployment was high. Some alternative had to be found to money, in order for people to be able work and get needed goods and services. LETS turned out to be a very good solution.

The number of LETS groups operating worldwide is estimated to be in the thousands, and it’s becoming more popular in some rural areas and farming communities.

Farmers are increasingly finding accepting payment for their crops with currency is not working, because the cost of producing the crops is higher than the market price and they are no longer getting subsidies to cover the difference. In addition higher quality crops rarely get premium prices, but with LETS there can be more people willing to pay for quality.

How does it work?

LETS is based on a system of democratic decision making and transparency. One person volunteers to keep the books, and records transactions that take place in LETS units. These transactions are always kept public so everyone can see how others are using the system. No money ever changes hands, and the value of the LETS units are not tied to any currency. For convenience the LETS units can be denominated and thought of in a similar way as the local currency, but the value is not fixed.

In order to make a trade you simply find someone else who uses the system, agree on the goods or services to be traded together with a price, then notify the person keeping the books of the transaction. Communication with the bookkeeper is usually done via email. That’s it. Anything can be traded at any mutually agreed price.

It is not important if you maintain a positive or negative balance, and no interest is ever charged. In fact for the system to start, someone will have to have a negative balance. It’s up to the people participating to ensure others maintain appropriate balances and to isolate people who are obviously abusing the system. There may be circumstances where someone maintains a very negative balance, for example when starting a business or someone living on a fixed income needing to get by until their next payment.

LETS rarely replaces currency, but rather is a system that operates along side.

What can go wrong?

The answer is not very much.

Someone can quit leaving behind a negative balance, perhaps even intentionally. There is not a lot of direct risk for anyone providing goods or services, because when something is purchased their balance is credited regardless if the person paying ever makes good on the payment. Of course over time the system will fall apart if many people abuse it in this way, but there will also be people who leave the system with positive balances for one reason or another, so to some degree things even out. You have to approach this concept with some flexibility. You aren’t dealing with money, so if someone leaves with a negative balance of 100 LETS units, it’s really not the same thing as someone stealing $100.

There will come a time when the people involved lose interest. It’s probably in everyones best interest not to maintain balances too high or low in anticipation of this eventually happening. When this time comes everyone comes to an agreement on what the best way to handle it is. You can attempt to transfer any balances to another LETS group, for those who wish to continue participating.

There may be tax consequences, but in many places informal bartering between individuals is exempt from taxes. If you try to incorporate LETS into a business, you may have tax issues to sort out.

What tends to happen?

Many people find trading with LETS to be very social and motivating.

Things tend to take on a different value. If you grow something in your garden, for example a kilo of potatoes, you may be reluctant to sell it to someone at supermarket prices and they may not want to pay you US$10 for it. 10 LETS units may be easier for both of you to agree on, especially if you know you can use these units to buy something homemade from another neighbor down the street.

In a similar way, the value of things like labor costs tend to become more uniform. For example a farmer tends to be paid a similar hourly wage for producing his crops as a mechanic gets for repairing a car, and so on.

By it’s nature it’s a local trading system so what tends to be traded are locally made goods and services. Everything spent stays local, and so benefits the local community.

Because you are not working with currency, this system lacks many of the associated problems. There is no inflation, and there is nothing of a high value that can be lost or stolen.

What happens if you move?

If you move, you have several choices. You can bring your balance as close as possible to zero, and maybe start again after you move with your new neighbors. If you think you will want to keep trading with your old neighbors, you can keep your old LETS account open.

There are also a number of systems being worked on for transferring LETS units between different groups. One of them, UNILETS, seems to be sanctioned by the United Nations. As far as I’m aware, none of these systems are completely functional yet.

There has even been at least one case where a North American was able to use LETS to pay for his accommodation and food costs on a European vacation.

Permaculture is the New Organic

Permaculture is a term introduced in the 1970’s, but is being talked about more and more. I think we are going to hear even more about it in the coming months and years.

I recently posted about the term ‘organic’ being rendered irrelevant by large scale agriculture and food companies, and permaculture may soon replace this term.

Permaculture is not so much a set of rules as it is a philosophy. It’s about doing things in a way that are low impact to the environment as well as minimizing inputs and outputs. Inputs and outputs are minimized by reusing waste as much as possible and designing systems that are self-sustaining and don’t require inputs of energy, chemicals or natural resources.

For many of us this is nothing new. It’s how we have been gardening and living our lives for a long time now. It is however useful to have a term and a way to formalize and discuss it. In this way we can all improve the way we do things, and help each other at the same time.

Expect to hear this word a lot more on this blog! If you’re interested in a longer and more detailed discussion of these principles, Wikipedia has an article on it here.

Biofuels Report

A very extensive report on the current state of biofuels was published by Grain yesterday.

As we approach ‘Peak Oil’, the point at which world oil production ends it’s long period of steady increases and begins to decline instead, a mad rush to find alternatives has begun. Instead of investing in conservation technologies, or more appropriate ways to generate energy from biomass, we are insisting on producing liquid we can put into our cars. This threatens widespread environmental damage and the resulting loss of biodiversity.

Interesting Scape

Scape from Korean Garlic

These are scapes that came from two kinds of Korean garlic, Korean Red and Pyong Vang (I think this is just an alternative spelling of Pyongyang, the capitol of North Korea). Sorry they are a bit crumpled, I stuffed them in a bag with other scapes, and wasn’t very careful with them. Notice they are mostly topset pod and not much stem, unlike normal scapes that are mostly stem.

I was at the garden yesterday, and I was very surprised to find even more scapes had formed, almost as many as the previous visit!

My garlic is finally showing some signs of rust, with about half the plants having a few small specks on them. It’s not too serious I hope, and I’m still expecting to have a mostly normal harvest this year.

Increasing Irrelevance of Organic Certification

In the US changes are underway to allow 38 non-organic ingredients in food certified as organic. Increasingly food companies want to sell certified organic food containing non-organic ingredients when organic ingredients are not available.

This comes amid the realization that for some time now beer sold in the US as certified organic has in fact contained non-organic hops. This is due to an interesting loophole in the organic certification rules that allows food in the US to be certified organic when up to 5% of it’s ingredients are non-organic.

There are similar moves in Europe to centralize organic certification on a EU level, allow 5% non-organic ingredients and allow 0.9% GM ingredients. Many people may find it difficult to find anything wrong with this last point, 0.9% GM ingredients, because they think some contamination is inevitable. In fact by being this lax simply guarantees our food supply will become contaminated to this level. It’s not inevitable and if we buy food expecting it to be GM free, it should simply be GM free.

Also while food in Europe containing genetically modified organisms are considered GM, food that is made with the assistance of GM organisms is not. For example the artificial sweetener aspartame, ‘vegetarian’ rennet in hard cheeses as well as many food supplements fall into this category and are allowed in certified organic foods.

A similar thing happened with Fair Trade certification. We all want to believe we can help people in the developing world by spending more money on Fair Trade products. Increasingly there are stories of very lax enforcement of Fair Trade standards and of farmers who aren’t paid at all for their products. Even when the rules are followed, and farmers are paid, the extra they receive under Fair Trade schemes is very small compared to the extra we as consumers pay for the products.

If you want organic food, the only meaningful way to get it is growing it yourself or buying it from a local source you trust.  You also simply have to avoid processed foods. The same thing is true with Fair Trade. We all live near farmers or other local businesses who are having a hard time in the current economy, and it’s better to spend your money on these people than on goods imported half way across the world with a meaningless certification attached to them.