Link Between Disappearing Bees and Biodiversity?

In the post I made yesterday about Bees and GM, Dr. John Blatchford left a comment with a link to some of the articles he’s published on the subject. These are not the typical sort of scientific articles you normally see, these are short, to the point and very easy for anyone to understand.

He makes a good argument for the problem of Colony Collapse Disorder being a general biodiversity issue, rather than directly related to GM crops. He also suggests the answer to the problem may not lie with scientists, but rather with the bee keepers themselves, who are the ones more likely to be able to observe changes in their hives over time.

Roof Garden

The site of my main garden belongs to a friend, who wants his land back. Because I’m finishing there and looking for another place, I won’t be growing as many plants this year.

At the same time, I have some space on my roof and am growing some things in containers. I’m always a little ambitious on what can actually fit on my roof, and this year is no exception. I have already planted, or am in the process of planting, the following:


  • Pineapple
  • Black Pineapple
  • Black Prince
  • Silvery Fir Tree
  • Matt’s Wild Cherry
  • Sugar Cherry Currant
  • F2 Hybrid, Ida Gold x Whippersnapper

The Silvery Fir tree is a carrot leafed tomato. What’s that, I hear you ask? Well there are ‘normal’ leafed tomatoes, and some of you who have grown heirloom tomatoes have probably seen ‘potato’ leafed plants where the leaves resemble the potato plant. Well this is ‘carrot’ leafed. I guess the tomatoes are ordinary and red, I don’t know. Does it say something about me that I am growing a tomato plant to look at the leaves? I got this tomato via a seed exchange with a tomato grower in Denmark.

The F2 hybrid was breed by Lieven of Garden of Eden, who breeds it specially for the F2 generation. F2 hybrids are genetically unstable, which means every plant is different, and the F2 generation is the most unstable. I will plant three of this tomato so I can compare them. I’m going to give some plants away to friends, so we can compare with each other too.


  • La Ratte d’Ardèche
  • Peruvian Purple
  • Charlotte
  • Sarpo Mira
  • Catriona


  • Kaiser Alexander


  • Doree de Printemps
  • Pinokkio (Pinocchio)
  • Sherwood

More on Bees and GM

I came across this article (via the Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog) comparing rates of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) of bees raised organically with conventionally raised bees.

While it remains a complex issue, with little hard evidence, there continues to be a lot of reasons why we should suspect GM crops are playing a major role in CCD.

I think it’s a little interesting too that studies that might show CCD is caused by GM crops don’t seem to be getting any funding, and at the same time there are people saying we shouldn’t be so quick to blame GM crops because there’s no proof! It’s almost like someone or something out there is trying to keep us from finding out the truth…

Personally, I’m still waiting for someone to prove GM crops could not play a role in CCD.

Favorite Environmental Blogs

There are probably hundreds or thousands of blogs out there that in some way address environmental issues, but most have not made it a central part of their theme. Here are some of the blogs I read that do make it a central theme. Many of the people behind these blogs even go so far as to make environmental issues a central part of their lives. I’m sure there are many others, these are just a few of my favorites.

If you know of others, please leave a comment!

Environmental means different things to different people. Most of the blogs below were chosen not only because they make me think, they discuss things like organic gardening, environmental political commentary, biodiversity issues, agricultural reform, local food production, recycling and reusing, energy and water conservation and so on.

While there are many fine organizations that promote good environmental causes out there, they are not included, this is just a list of personal or group blogs or websites. They are not listed in any particular order.

Daughter of the Soil: Biodiversity and amateur plant breeding.

Horticultural: Organic gardening, biodiversity, recycling and reusing.

Veggie Gardening Tips: Organic gardening, biodiversity. Lots of interesting and environmentally friendly gardening advice.

Tiny Farm Blog: Local food production, biodiversity. Community Supported Agriculture. Watch a real small farm in action!

Ottawa Hortiphilia: Biodiversity, organic gardening, recycling and reusing, energy and water conservation.

Vancouveriste: Political commentary.

Heavy Petal: Political commentary, reusing and recycling, and guerrilla gardening…

Riverrim: Biodiversity. Handmade things.

Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog: Biodiversity, agricultural reform

Plan be: Biodiversity, reusing and recycling, local food production, energy and water conservation, organic gardening. A working farm in Africa, largely self-sufficient, in a very interesting ecosystem.

The Ethicurean: Biodiversity, political commentary, local food production and agricultural reform. One of the nicest things about this blog are the digests, where they scour news outlets for interesting articles and provide links. The Ethicurean has been the motivation for several posts here.

Garden of Eden: Biodiversity and agricultural reform. Plant breeder and expert.

Cannabis Trends

Most of us are already aware changes have taken place in the genetic composition of our foods in recent years. Most of us understand the food we eat today is very different from what our parents and their parents ate, and increasingly we are understanding that it’s probably a lot less healthy. We certainly know the taste of food is declining. There are two main reasons for these changes.

The first reason for these changes in our food has to do with our expectations as consumers. When we shop for produce, we don’t buy according to how good it tastes, we buy according to how good it looks and how cheap it is. However much we might complain about quality and taste, when we are in the store we can’t taste what we buy and even though we know we are buying something of poor quality, we won’t buy anything bug eaten or blemished. For this reason, food producers are under extreme pressure to ensure the food in stores looks perfect, because if any one farmer can grow something better looking they will be the ones who can sell the most. Together with being able to produce cheaply in large quantities, appearance is the most important issue for farmers when they grow fruits and vegetables, and they sometimes have to go to very great lengths to achieve these things.

The second reason for these changes in our food is Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). Many of us don’t realize this, but the vast majority of what we buy to eat is patented. Not just the food itself, but processing techniques, packaging, brand names as well as other aspects of what we buy are controlled by patents or other IPRs. By controlling the IPRs it’s possible to decide what farmers will be allowed to grow what crops, and under what conditions.

For example it’s a fairly recent trend that farmers may not be allowed to sell crops to whoever they want, but rather grow them entirely under contract from the seed companies. The farmers then have to sell them under the terms of this contract or simply have to give the crops to the seed company who them in turn sell them to who they want. This allows seed companies to take a product they have the exclusive rights over, take bids from a large number of competing farmers who themselves will accept all the risks of crop failure, then in turn sell the crops produced to consumers at an inflated price.

It’s not just the farmers who can be controlled with IPRs, but the whole supply chain. Supermarkets can be forced to sign exclusive contracts if they want to sell certain products, prices can be set at the wholesale level and so on. In most places, there are laws or government subsidies that make it difficult or impossible to sell foods that are not patented. In short IPRs make it possible to almost totally control the process of production, distribution and sale of our food.

Older varieties of foods are simply not interesting to food companies. Patents expire or they simply can’t be patented in the first place because of their age. As we are increasingly becoming aware, that often means these older varieties simply become extinct because there is no one who grows them anymore.

An important aspect of IPRs when it comes to food production are F1 hybrids and GMOs. We are all familiar with trends in genetically modified crops, and together with a lot of other people I have made posts about them recently. Less attention is being paid to hybrids. F1 hybrid and GM techniques make it possible to create plants that might not otherwise exist in nature, but perhaps more importantly these techniques can be used to create plants where it is not possible to save seeds from the resulting plants, requiring people who grow the plants to re-purchase their seeds year after year.

F1 hybrids and GM plants are sometimes more productive, usually at the expense of higher inputs of fertilizer and pesticides, and seed companies and food distributors are very adept at profiting from this increased productivity at both the expense of farmers who grow the plants and consumers who end up with a lower quality product. A good example of this can be seen in my post from last year about coffee.

Okay, but this is what this blog is all about. Promotion of older varieties of plants, that are without IPRs. Much of what I’ve said so far will not be news to people who regularly read things I post here.

What about cannabis?

It turns out that nearly all of the same trends in food described here are also taking place with cannabis, and there are some clear indications that cannabis available now is much less healthy than what was available decades ago. While cannabis itself is a controlled substance in most places in the world, the seeds are often not. This is certainly the case here in the Netherlands. Plant breeders here and other places are busy developing new cannabis varieties, applying similar principles that seed companies do to food crops, then patenting them.

Cannabis consumers almost always buy according to one criteria, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. Most consumers see it as a simple issue of value for money. Many will deny this and talk about the subtle differences between different kinds, but just like people who buy vegetables will almost always choose unblemished products, cannabis buyers will almost always choose for the most THC. If you are a grower or seller, and someone else has a product with more THC, you are simply at a disadvantage.

Plant breeders and growers are going to great lengths to increase the THC in their products, as well as lower the cost of production, and it’s clear these efforts are resulting in a drug that is fundamentally different. Recent studies have focused on two active ingredients in cannabis, THC and cannabidiol (CBD). Of these, the percentage of THC has increased significantly in recent years, often at the expense of CBD. It appears THC is linked more frequently to psychosis and CBD can significantly reduce this problem. This is only one example, and there are likely many other more subtle changes.

Increasingly F1 hybrid varieties of cannabis are displacing older heirloom or open pollinated varieties. This can be seen by searching online for places selling seeds. In addition, many of the older varieties have been lost because no one is growing them anymore, just like with heirloom food crops.

It’s clear the people growing cannabis are no longer the ones profiting the most, but rather it’s large companies that hold the patents. The growers are the ones that take the risks, the consumers are getting a lower quality and possibly more dangerous product and the seed companies make the bulk of the money — legally!

In the meantime the legal grey area that cannabis exists in, almost a taboo subject for many people, makes it difficult to address this problem and raise awareness about it. Certainly if you are a consumer wishing to buy older varieties of cannabis, you are unlikely to find it for sale anywhere. If you are someone who objects to the use of an illegal product like cannabis in the first place, you are not likely to offer much sympathy to those people who do use it. If you are someone who uses cannabis, or has sympathy with those who do, probably like most of us you have heard it all before and see this as one more overreaction to an otherwise relatively safe drug.

It’s becoming increasingly clear with issues like this and opium in Afghanistan, there is a trend away from eradication programs and instead toward using illicit drugs as a way to generate corporate profits.