Writing a blog like this takes a lot of time. Not just time spent writing posts, but all the research behind it.
We live in a world that’s changing quickly, and it’s clear this blog is addressing topics people find interesting. The number of people reading this blog has sharply increased in the last few months. The need to expand the scope of this blog is increasingly obvious, and it’s getting overwhelming.
Please help me by emailing me!
I can’t possibly keep on top of all the blogs, newspapers or news sites, and I am frequently away from my computer for several days at a time anyway. If you see something somewhere that relates to topics addressed by this blog, please let me know. I almost certainly won’t notice anything that’s not published in English, so please point me to interesting things in other languages.
I am always on the lookout for other blogs that address the same topics this blog does. From time to time I go searching for other blogs, but you can help me by pointing out interesting ones. If you are starting a new blog that you think has an affinity with this one, let me know! By the way, one of the best ways of letting me know is to link to me. I will notice this link within a few days, and if appropriate will reciprocate. By linking to each other we help people notice one another. Even if I decide your blog is not suitable for immediate inclusion in my blogroll, I will probably include you in my RSS feeds and if you post something I think is interesting will link to your post.
Roughly speaking the topics of this blog include heirloom gardening and farming (which implies organic or mostly organic, and can include vegetables, fruit, flowers and other plants), heritage and natural foods, traditional methods of food processing, politics of modern food production and associated environmental impacts, sustainable agriculture and in the soon to be famous words of Michael Pollan, people who want to “Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.” These topics are rapidly evolving, so don’t be afraid to let me know about anything else that might be relevant.
If you are involved in any public seed swaps or related events, or even if you just know of any, please let me know so I can mention it.
Do you have food recipes you would like to share? Please send them to me.
Would you like to write a post on this blog? Get in touch and let me know.
Are you an organization who would like to put me on a mailing list to receive press releases or other news information? Don’t just grab my contact address off this blog and sign me up without my permission! Let me know, and if I am interested I will give you a special email address for this purpose.