Potato Seedlings

Here’s a picture taken today of my seedlings from Tom’s TPS (True Potato Seeds).  The left 6 plants are TPS#6 and the right 6 plants are TPS#1.

For a plant that’s supposed to be related to tomatoes, it sure looks a lot different at this stage!  When I transplanted them from the seed tray in the photo I made in this previous post, I buried the seedlings up to the cotyledons, which you can see pressed against the dirt in most of the pots.

Lieven made a comment in the post I just linked to, saying he noticed a lot of variability in his seedlings.  I’ve noticed the same thing.

I’m wondering too about what Tom said in his video about growing TPS and in a recent discussion on his forum about the importance of the time right after the seeds germinate, and if that importance is relevant to the rate at which the plants are growing in this picture.

For example, the second plant from the left on the bottom is not growing very well.  Is this because the seed wasn’t started properly?

One Reply to “Potato Seedlings”

  1. Cool! I’ve always wondered what potato seedlings looked like. Thanks for sharing, I’m looking forward to seeing them progress.

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